Showing posts with label blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogs. Show all posts
Jul 2, 2020
Brunch & A Photoshoot
A couple of weeks ago, I got a message from Katie of Hot Tea & the Empty Seat saying that she and her husband, Joe, would be visiting Joe's family in nearby Lancaster, PA. Katie and I made plans to have brunch at the Tomcat Cafe and bring our cameras for a photoshoot afterward! I love meeting up with fellow's always so great to sit down face-to-face with someone that you've gotten to know through the screen and take that friendship into real life!
We met up on a Friday morning and had the best French Toast around (mine was stuffed with cheesecake and crusted in vanilla cookies and then topped with fresh strawberries, a berry drizzle, and whipped cream) and then headed up to the old Wernersville train station to snap a few photos of one another!
Because we're both photographers (find Katie here and me here), we rarely get to get in front of the camera, unless we're taking self portraits (and friends, using the trunk of your car and a remote to take pics of yourself isn't always the most fun photoshoot!). So it was super fun to get creative and take turns on the other side of the lens! Taking photos of another photographer is always the best. There's nothing better than having a subject who will let you experiment and get creative, and who just gets it. I love it!
So enjoy these photos of me (taken by Katie) and Katie (taken by yours truly...she's so photogenic!), and make some plans to meet up with a blogging friend soon!
Jul 1, 2020
Get Creative this Summer! [+ a Giveaway!]

but i also love simply getting inspired during this season...from creativity in the kitchen, to creativity with fashion, hair, and makeup, to creativity with home decor, there's just so much you can do during these wonderful summer months!
i've partnered up with some pretty lovely bloggers to bring you an awesome giveaway that will hopefully spark your creative side this summer!

but before you enter, i'd like to introduce you to the wonderful women making it all possible! these girls all run some awesome blogs and shops, and you should check them all out!

Apr 1, 2020
Blogging 101: Getting Started
well you asked, and i listened! there were so many questions submitted for a blogger faq that it's actually become a series of posts!
today's topic is blogging 101. these are some great questions to ask if you're just starting out, or considering starting a journey into the blogging world! blogging can seem intimidating, but trust us, you can do it! there's a lot of text in this post, but there's also a lot of wisdom, so grab a cup of coffee and join us!
i've asked a few bloggers to join me in answering some of the questions that have been submitted. joining in today are meg of rivers & roads and elizabeth of oak & oats. check the end of the post to find them on social media. these girls have added some great advice from years of blogging experience!
How do I get started?
Start with a brainstorm session! Take a Saturday afternoon to write down
your blog thoughts. Names, themes, ideas. Then just start! Read other blogs,
reach out to bloggers you admire, and try new things. Blogging is an evolution
- If you went back and looked at the first post from all your favorite bloggers
I am sure you will notice a difference! It is something that you learn and grow
in while you are in the midst of it! You cannot perfect your blog before you
start so just dive in! - Elizabeth, Oak + Oats
started is probably the most daunting part of the process…but i’d say just
start writing. don’t worry too much
about finding your voice right away, that stuff will come. figure out a name that works for you, bounce
a few ideas off of friends and family, find something catchy, and then ask
yourself why you want to blog. the answer to that question can be
instrumental in helping you figure out what to write about! -betsy, heavens
to betsy
How do you choose a
Picking a name is an exciting thing! Before you slap the first thing
that pops into your head all over the internet, here are three things you
should do first:
1. Figure out what you want your blog purpose or mission statement to
be. Find a name that represents that and at the same time is timeless.
2. Google said name and see if any other blogs are using it. If your
blog takes off, you don’t want to not be able to own a custom domain name
is already taken. Also, you want your readers to easily find you - not search
through a list of “Whatever is Lovelies” when they are looking for you.
3. Pick a name that is unique but simple and easier to remember. When
you are blogging you are starting a brand. You may end up huge or your may have
a smaller influence but either way, it is always important to treat yourself as
a brand. Value the work you do and take time to pick a name that can stay with
you. - Elizabeth, Oak
+ Oats
think it's important when choosing a blog name to choose something that
encapsulates both your personality and what you want to write about! I love
adventures and the outdoors, and I also write about those things a lot. So
Rivers and Roads is a name that really fits me and who I am as a person and a
blogger. Also, if you are thinking of starting a small business, etsy
shop, etc., that should probably affect your name choice as well. Create
a name that not only is a good blog name but also flows well as a shop
name. Most of all, be creative! It's your space and your name, so make it
unique! -Meg, Rivers & Roads
I’m new to blogging…got any tips?
blog for you! the moment blogging feels forced, that’s when
you’ll feel dry creatively and that’s when it’s not fun anymore! this community has so much to offer, so be
sure to invest in other blogs by commenting, sponsoring, reaching out to other
bloggers. most bloggers i’ve worked with
have been more than willing to help a sister out, so take advantage of that!
-betsy, heavens to betsy
Be you, keep learning, comment on other blogs, and enjoy it! The only
blogs worth reading are blogs that are written by people with passion and
purpose! - Elizabeth, Oak + Oats
What platform do you use? What’s the difference between blogging
I do not know a ton about this! I know I use blogger and so do a lot of
other people. I know also, that a lot of people use Wordpress. I say, look into
both of them and see which one makes more sense to you! - Elizabeth, Oak + Oats
i use blogger. i like the ease of it, but as i’ve grown,
i’ve contemplated a switch to wordpress more than once. both have pros and cons, both can be customized to look like an awesome blog that reflects you, they just look different on the "backend" (the part that you, as the blogger can change and edit). a lot of careful
research can help you figure out what will be best for you! -betsy, heavens to betsy
What should I blog
Take a day and think about this. What do you like to do? What inspires
you? Why do you get up in the morning? What things can you not imagine your
day/ life without? It is okay if you have a lot of things you want to talk
about, they call those blogs “Lifestyle Blogs” and yes, I have a lifestyle
blog! Make sure that you blog about what you WANT to blog about not what you
feel you NEED to blog about. and also be YOU! There are so many blogs out there
but there is only one (or maybe more) written by you! That is what you have to
offer! Say you love healthy living and also sweets! Then blog about how you
live healthy and still enjoy eating delicious sweets. OR maybe you love to bike
to work but also look cute - show us your outfits that travel well and look
fab! You can combine your loves into your blog and that is so unique! -
Elizabeth, Oak
+ Oats
What are you passionate about?
Chances are, when you answer that question, you’ll know what to blog
about! my best (and favorite) posts have
been on topics that I really care about or like to talk about. if you love fashion, consider blogging about
your favorite trends or outfits. if you
love cooking, share some recipes, successes, or failures (these can be really
funny posts!). the options are endless
and there’s a niche for everyone.
-betsy, heavens to betsy
What would
your advice be to someone who cares about how their blog looks - but has NO
background in design (nor do they feel confident throwing anything together)?
there are options for
you! there are tons of bloggers out
there that offer design services for small fees, and there are even e-courses
out there that can teach you how to make your blog look great, even if you have
no idea what you’re doing. I’m willing
to bet that if you look around, you know someone who has basic graphic design
skills. but truth be told, before i became
proficient in adobe programs, i created all of my blog banners in Microsoft
word! haha….sounds crazy, but it’s true. there are also websites out there
specifically to help bloggers create elements of their blog like headers and
buttons, and there are even bloggers who have created templates and allow you
to download them for free (you just have to look hard enough!). -betsy, heavens to betsy
I highly encourage you to look into working with a designer. I tried to
design my blog for a while and it was way too overwhelming! I am a writer, not
a designer! And that is totally okay! I think that when we all come together
and do what we are good at, GREAT things can happen! There are tons of options
out there for designs & designers. From really affordable pre made
templates to custom designs & brand development one-on-one meetings! Look
at your budget and shop around for a design or designer you want to work with.
Do not be afraid to ask for quotes and tell people you are looking around. The
one you love most might even offer you a discount to keep your business! -
Elizabeth, Oak
+ Oats
the thing, if you're just dipping your toes into the blogging world and you're
not sure how much you're going to blog or exactly what direction you even want
your blog to take, I'd say to start small. Do you have a friend who is good at
design? Ask them if they'd be willing to help you get started with a simple
design. Or check with some beginner designers. Their prices are
always lower ($100-$200 for complete blog design). Maybe you just want to start
out with a cute and catchy header and a button so that you can begin
advertising. You can purchase design services a la carte most times,
which is helpful if you have a small budget! If you're looking to make a
big splash and dive in head first, then go big or go home, sister. research
different designers, compare prices and services, and don't be afraid to ask
them questions! they are there to help you. the moral of the story is that a
good design is a big part of what makes readers stick around. -Meg, Rivers & Roads
connect with elizabeth on the following social media sites:
connect with meg on the following social media sites:
Jan 16, 2020
Sponsor Spotlight & Link-Up // Ashley
i'm super excited to introduce you to ashley of the grits blog today! she is sweet as can be, and she's here to tell you a little bit about herself and her blog, and cohost the "little friday linkup"! so meet ashley and linkup with us today!
My name is Ashley - I started and write The Grits Blog - with an occasional guest post. To be honest - I suck at writing these "about" posts. It just feels awkward. So if it's cool with you - I am just going to answer a few common questions that I get often. If there is still more that you want to know, then hit me up via social media or email!

(1) How did you meet your husband?
Chris and I have known each other since we were small kids. Growing up our parents had beach cabins next door to each other, so we would always be outside playing with all the kids from the street. When we were 15/16 we finally noticed each other as more than just the guy/girl next door...shocker at that age - I know... and it was all down hill from there! We were together on and off all through high school and college. After college I got an amazing job offer in Atlanta and since Chris had not proposed I decided to take the job opportunity. Then three months later, he drove up from Florida and proposed - and now here we are!
(2) Why did you start The Grits Blog?
I LOVE READING BLOGS - so much so that it's probably become a bit of a problem. I also like to talk about makeup, food, and hair - and I think everyone around got me sick of talking about it all the time. So I created my outlet - The Grits Blog! I get asked a lot - do I ever run out of stuff to write? The answer is no - because it's like this, have I tried every product at Ulta or eaten every recipe? NOPE - so no worries, I have ton to say and plan on keeping this blog around for a good, long while.
F-L-O-R-I-D-A S-T-A-T-E, Florida what! Florida State! Florida State! Florida State! Wooo! I am a die hard FSU fan and going to school there was the most challenging, but the best experience of my life.
(4) How many pets do you have?
I have three precious lambs. Romeo, Leo, and Roxy. Romeo is french bulldog and lives up to his name - he is such a a FLIRT. Leo is a chihuahua and is my little buddy. He's my little shadow and goes EVERY where with me. Roxy is a pitbull mix and is Chris's dog - but in her heart we both know who she loves the most (me). They are my sweeties and I love them so much! They are my furry children.
Rules are there are no rules!
Please link-up to whatever you like!
All that we ask is, if you wish, please follow us via the links above and that you link back to this blog - so that other's can join in and mingle!
Happy Little Friday Everyone!

Sep 19, 2020
HTB on Facebook!
Confession: this feels really weird. I've avoided creating a page for HTB on Facebook for awhile now, mostly because it always feels awkward and show-y to promote myself (I cringed when I published my photography Facebook page), but I finally did it.
The reality is that I follow a lot of other blogs that I like to read on Facebook, and it helps me stay in touch, and read, those blogs a lot more than I would if I didn't like those pages. Seeing links to new posts while I'm browsing my news feed during a bit of down time on my phone often leads me to reading those posts. So I'm taking the plunge.
And I invite you to plunge with me! If you like Heavens to Betsy (which, obviously you do since you're taking the time to read this...heh), then head on over to my brand new Facebook page and like away! I sure would appreciate the love.
Oooh...and don't forget....throughout September, you can get 30% off of all ad spaces with the code "SeptemberLove"! (That means you can advertise for as cheap as $0.70. What else can you buy for seventy cents?!)
Jun 12, 2020
Guest Post // Caroline on Marriage
Ok, so I'm really excited about this. I have an awesome gal to introduce you to today! Caroline runs a little blog called jcaro and I've been so blessed by it over the past few months. I feel like we're friends. Is that creepy? Did I just become that sketchy blog girl who called a fellow blogger I've never actually met a friend? Sorry Caroline. Eeeek.
She just has such a wonderful heart for God and has a gift for writing! She's the kind of blogger I read posts by and then decide I need to become a more intentional writer, you know? Anyway, she's here! today! writing for you all on the best moments in marriage. So grab a cup of tea and enjoy!
Hello Heavens to Betsy Readers! My name is Caroline and I blog over at I'm pretty stoked to be over here with y'all!
She just has such a wonderful heart for God and has a gift for writing! She's the kind of blogger I read posts by and then decide I need to become a more intentional writer, you know? Anyway, she's here! today! writing for you all on the best moments in marriage. So grab a cup of tea and enjoy!
Hello Heavens to Betsy Readers! My name is Caroline and I blog over at I'm pretty stoked to be over here with y'all!
My husband and I just moved into our first real place (before we were living in a dorm for my job!). We now live in a condo in Houston, and we’ve spent the past two weeks *trying* to
recreate Ikea showrooms in our place (um coolest, cheapest rooms ever, right?) We just celebrated our 1 year anniversary, and while our first year of marriage
rocked, year two is starting to top it.
Yet, I feel this constant tension. Even though I am
genuinely content with our life, our life isn’t as it appears online. If you
read my blog or follow me on Instagram (@janecaro), you see just a glimpse into our life. You see the moments when I whipped out my
camera and we posed for a photo. Or, in the case of our bed above, it took 10 minutes to get that bed photo-ready, and it was still looked wrinkled! The moments you and I capture are happy moments, but I’m becoming to
realize is the best moments aren’t
captured. They can’t be. There's so much more to life.
Some of the best moments in marriage are the messiest. It’s reconciliation
after a disagreement or trusting Clayton when I doubt myself.
It’s telling Clayton to be quiet as he continues to talk when I’m trying to go to sleep. I’m half annoyed, but even though I wouldn’t admit to him, it’s secretly fun.
It’s telling Clayton to be quiet as he continues to talk when I’m trying to go to sleep. I’m half annoyed, but even though I wouldn’t admit to him, it’s secretly fun.
It’s being completely vulnerable - sharing insecurities and
doubts that I’ve never entrusted to anyone.
It's realizing how selfish I am and yet being loved just the same. It’s accepting grace from him, which gives me a glimpse of
our Father’s grace.
It’s being so angry when a little part of my heart goes off
saying “this doesn’t matter, Caroline” and mid-sentence giving Clayton a hug. Love spurs humility that crushes pride to ground.
In a world that documents and showcases so much of our lives, may we also remember that the best moments don't have to be documented to be the best. May we remember that in the same way that our lives couldn't possibly be captured in a blog or an instagram feed, others can't possibly share the full story either.
Embrace the messy, the tears, and the challenges, because in relationships, these bring about the best moments - they bring us closer, cause us to trust one another more, and love more deeply.
Thanks so much for reading! I'd love for you to stop by and say hi over at I'll do my very best to share the full story!
Thanks so much for reading! I'd love for you to stop by and say hi over at I'll do my very best to share the full story!
Mar 4, 2020
Guest Post: Elizabeth's DIY Art Wall
So today I'm so excited to share a DIY from Elizabeth over at Until Only Love Remains! Her blog is full of fun DIY's (and she's guest posted here before!) and thoughts about life.
i am so excited and honored to be guest posting on heavens to betsy! i just love miss elizabeth and she inspires me daily! i wanted to share with you one of my latest inspirations: a DIY ART WALL
when i first started thinking about what to do with my living room, i knew i wanted an art wall! i had seen it blowing up the pinterest walls and two of my favorite blogs had shared their art walls here & here. so i've been saving up my allowance, collecting frames at thrift stores, and gathering art for my wall.
it's finally finished and i love having something on my big empty wall!
i am so excited and honored to be guest posting on heavens to betsy! i just love miss elizabeth and she inspires me daily! i wanted to share with you one of my latest inspirations: a DIY ART WALL
when i first started thinking about what to do with my living room, i knew i wanted an art wall! i had seen it blowing up the pinterest walls and two of my favorite blogs had shared their art walls here & here. so i've been saving up my allowance, collecting frames at thrift stores, and gathering art for my wall.
it's finally finished and i love having something on my big empty wall!
i feel silly writing this because it seems like it should be common sense - yet i was unsure where to start when i set my sights on an art wall.
1. pick a theme. this is important because i didn't do it right away and ended up buying some prints that i did not use (i still love them so i will use them around the house in other places!). i started just buying things i liked and taking advantage of all those christmas promo codes! i was finding so many things i liked but when i put them together, they didn't work. an art wall is all about the whole. it is each piece coming together.
my theme became Colorado. Bruce & i met at camp, got married in chacos, and now own our first house here at the foot of Pikes Peak. i also wanted to pull in pops of mint, blues, and pinks (just like our beloved red rocks & our purple mountains majesty)
2. start collecting your pieces. hit up etsy and search for your theme. look on pintrest and click on the links - see if you can buy some of those things you have pinned! search your house, one of the prints we put up was a card from my dear friend.
it is okay if it takes you awhile to find all the pieces. you want to love them & not just buy the first 10 things you see.
i feel silly writing this because it seems like it should be common sense - yet i was unsure where to start when i set my sights on an art wall.
1. pick a theme. this is important because i didn't do it right away and ended up buying some prints that i did not use (i still love them so i will use them around the house in other places!). i started just buying things i liked and taking advantage of all those christmas promo codes! i was finding so many things i liked but when i put them together, they didn't work. an art wall is all about the whole. it is each piece coming together.
my theme became Colorado. Bruce & i met at camp, got married in chacos, and now own our first house here at the foot of Pikes Peak. i also wanted to pull in pops of mint, blues, and pinks (just like our beloved red rocks & our purple mountains majesty)
2. start collecting your pieces. hit up etsy and search for your theme. look on pintrest and click on the links - see if you can buy some of those things you have pinned! search your house, one of the prints we put up was a card from my dear friend.
it is okay if it takes you awhile to find all the pieces. you want to love them & not just buy the first 10 things you see.
some tips:
- if you find something you love but it is out of your price range, ask the artist for a deal. they want your business and want you to keep coming back to them.
- find up and coming artists. they have unique art at cheaper prices because they are building cliental
- look at the posts from your favorite blogs to see where they bought their stuff OR buy the art from your favorite blogs and show your support for their work!
- check out society 6. it is a collection of art from many different artists and a treasure trove of artwork!
3. think of sizes. you want a range of prints in different sizes. if you only have one 5x7 and the rest 8x10s you will have trouble organizing them on your wall. this was also hard for me because i loved every print so much that i wanted to have it in the biggest size i could - but then my wall wouldn't look as eclectic as i wanted it to. you can also play with matted frames to make small prints take up a larger frame!
1. once you have all your art pieces in your frames, clear the floor in front of the wall you want to use and play with different ways to lay out the prints. i liked to be able to keep looking on the wall to make sure that my arrangement would fit on the wall between the two windows i have in my living room.
2. get out the nails and grab the hammer. start with the key frame (leaving all the others in the same place on the floor ) and work from the map you created. you still have time to change things up (i needed to do that) and just let things fall into place. the best part of creating an eclectic wall is that you do not need each space to be evenly apart - i have my frames all over the place!
3. if you would rather take a more scientific approach to mapping out the wall, i recommend these posts:
4. ENJOY!!!
1. once you have all your art pieces in your frames, clear the floor in front of the wall you want to use and play with different ways to lay out the prints. i liked to be able to keep looking on the wall to make sure that my arrangement would fit on the wall between the two windows i have in my living room.
2. get out the nails and grab the hammer. start with the key frame (leaving all the others in the same place on the floor ) and work from the map you created. you still have time to change things up (i needed to do that) and just let things fall into place. the best part of creating an eclectic wall is that you do not need each space to be evenly apart - i have my frames all over the place!
3. if you would rather take a more scientific approach to mapping out the wall, i recommend these posts:
Two Rules of Thumb for Hanging Things on Your Walls by Smile & Wave
Get the Hang of It by Young House Love
How to Hang Art in Groups (Like Kate Space) by Apartment Therapy4. ENJOY!!!
micah: katygirl designs
Feb 4, 2020
January Favorites
So, I'm a few days late. Can you believe we're already four days into February? [holy cow.]
January was a great month on Heavens to Betsy! This little blog grew so much over the past year. Just last January I celebrated my 100th follower! And now this little space is over double that amount. So thank YOU, dear reader!
But enough about that...on to a recap of favorite posts from January!
January was a great month on Heavens to Betsy! This little blog grew so much over the past year. Just last January I celebrated my 100th follower! And now this little space is over double that amount. So thank YOU, dear reader!
But enough about that...on to a recap of favorite posts from January!
AJ and I went to the PA State Farm Show in the beginning of the month. It was so fun to see all of the handmade foods and goods, and also see some farm animals and get to treat ourselves to a delicious milkshake.
I shared my 5 Favorite Photo Apps. Some you may know, others may be new!
During my first week of student teaching, I wrote about praying hard.
We took some photos as a Christmas present for AJ's mom, and I blogged some of that shoot last month!
I shared 5 tips for combatting the winter blues, because we all know that winter, with it's chill and bland colors and lack of sunlight can lead to feeling a little blue. [at least for me anyway!]
Jan 25, 2020
Thank You! (Plus a Thank-You Offer!)
Just a quick note to say....
This little blog has hit the most page views, comments, sponsors, and readers that it's ever had this month!
I also would like to take this opportunity to encourage you to go check out some of my sponsor's blogs...they're all great, and hopefully you'll find a new blog to read and follow by checking out a few of those buttons on my sidebar! Thanks sponsors for being awesome...I love working with you!
And as a special thank you, I'd like to offer my Large Ad space for FREE! if you book it within the next week. Just use the promo code: BestMonthEver and it'll be totally free!
(Please note that this code is only good through January 31. While only 4 spots are shown each month, the code will still let you reserve a spot for free for a future month. So book away!)
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