i've said it before and i'll say it again....pa's weather is ridiculous and i'm soooo ready for spring. i can't really complain right now....it's been in the high 40's-mid 50's for the past three days, and even though it rained today, it felt like a spring rain, which is awesome.
but last thursday...you know, at the beginning of march...southeastern pa was not feeling the springtime love. instead, march came in like a lion and dumped a lovely 8 inches of that white powdery stuff on us. and it was the kind of storm that required three different rounds of shoveling and left our little lane a mess. oh, and we still had a few inches on the ground from back in january because it's been so darn cold here that i just. never. melted.
despite the fact that i'm clearly just over winter, i did recognize what was hopefully the last snowstorm of the year to be an opportunity to soak in the last of winter's beauty, and so, on friday morning, i put on my boots and ollie and i headed outside to enjoy the reflection of the sun off the snow and to snap a few photos.

so yes, the snow is pretty, but i'm ready for the beauty that spring brings, aren't you?
oh, and just to keep it real....let me tell you about the real gem of friday. after hopping out of the shower, i decided to let ollie out so that he could enjoy some time in the snow (which he loves) while i got ready to head to a friend's house. i threw a towel around my wet hair, threw on a robe, and ran downstairs and stepped out on our front porch with the pup. as soon as i pulled the door closed behind me, i realized that i had just locked myself out. on the front porch. in the snow. with no key, no phone, and only wearing my robe (thank goodness we live on 5 acres of woods and our neighbors couldn't seen onto our property because of snow-covered trees!). the only way into the house? all the way around the back...requiring a barefoot sprint around the house, in the snow, while i maybe let a few choice words fly and also randomly had the thought, "this must be what george washington's troops felt like at valley forge!" (ya know, because of being barefoot in the snow and all...#nerd)
hope your friday was warmer than mine!
Beautiful photos!
ReplyDeleteI love SO MANY THINGS about this post! First and foremost, your pup is adorable! He's so cute all dusted in snow! Secondly, as an Ohioan, I totally relate to your weather problems. I love the snow but I'm done with it now, PLEASE! Last but not least, I totally appreciate the history reference- that's awesome that that's where your mind went :) Hope your feet have recovered!
ReplyDeleteFirst off...these pics are gorgeous. I'm like you and over winter but can't help but marvel at the beauty of it. :) you puppy is adorable and it looks like he loves the snow! :) your title made me think of one if my favorite moves...seven brides for seven brother! "March comes in like a lion..what else? Till the snow..never melts. You're about to forget the whole thing..all at once, one day..it's spring" Lolol!
ReplyDeleteOh wow, beautiful pics! It is gorgeous, but I don't blame you one bit for being over the snow and ready for spring!
ReplyDeletehahaha i've been singing that song for the past month!! also, i tried to explain the storyline to that movie for aj and he basically thinks it's the weirdest thing. haha
ReplyDeletethanks! yeah...it's starting to feel like spring now, and i'm ready for it to really arrive and for all of this snow to melt!
ReplyDeletehaha thanks! glad someone can appreciate my nerdiness ;)
ReplyDeletethank you!!
ReplyDeleteIt's a very hard storyline to explain!! Lol! I finally made LG watch it with me and he still doesn't understand but it's one of my favorites! I remember the year I got it for Christmas. I ran straight upstairs and watched it right then. Love it!
ReplyDeleteI have definitely been enjoying the "warmer" weather here in Pittsburgh. Most of our snow has melted and it's been raining so now people are having bad flooding problems. lol! Just can't win here in PA! I am definitely looking forward to warmer days coming up, I'm very done with winter
ReplyDeleteHAHA laughed so hard at the george washington reference. That's so funny! I totally thought Olli was a bear at first.
ReplyDeletebeautiful, beautiful pictures!
He's a Goldendoodle! I'm convinced it's the best breed ever! He's super smart, but also just LOVES to be with us and is sooo cuddly and sweet!
ReplyDeletehaha others have said that too! i call him "Buddy Bear" all the time because he really does look like a little bear!
ReplyDeleteOh man...yeah, our roads are a hot mess right now with everything melting and with them being torn up by plows! And there are a lot of leaking roofs because of snow melting!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness Betsy, hahaha! At least the back was opened. Hahahaha I am cracking up! Hahaha.
ReplyDeleteAs a fellow PA resident I completely back you up on the crazy weather - you just never know what we will get!
ReplyDeleteYour photography is beautiful! And like you, I am so over winter and ready for Spring to arrive. As in right now!
ReplyDeleteI'm so ready for spring as well. This winter has been hectic! Thank God it's been in the mid-40s here in CT this week... it actually got up to 58ยบ yesterday! :)
ReplyDeleteTHIS GIRL! I am ready for Spring! I love each season equally and love the change of a new one!
ReplyDeleteBreathtaking photos! I'm glad you captured the beauty of winter...but thank goodness ....SPRING IS AROUND THE CORNER! Happy Friday, Betsy :)
I love looking at everyone's pics of the snow! It's so beautiful to LOOK AT! :) I'm such a wimpy Cali girl!
ReplyDeleteThat snow was crazy crazy crazy. Seriously. You'd think that it was the perfect day to get a whole bunch of unpacking done but I didn't get all that much done. Ha.
ReplyDeleteAnd your story at the end...that's like my nightmare. So I never ever go outside without triple checking that the door is unlocked but usually what I do is keep keys in my pocket. Seth locked himself out at our old house, twice, before we were married so he was living there alone and had to break open the back door. Both times. We spent the next two years with a broken back door (he semi-fixed it) that allowed a nice breeze into the kitchen. lol